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I have been racking my brain all week trying to think of a "famous" blogger.  I did several searches trying to discover a blog that sky rocketed to stardom. But as I was searching I started thinking to myself, "What blogs do I like that I have found because of Pinterest?" While I have discovered many awesome blogs through Pinterest one of my absolute favorites is Sugar Pie Farm House. The author of the blog refers to herself as Aunt Ruthie and creates the most wonderful "homey" atmosphere. How one goes about creating a homey atmosphere in cyberspace is beyond me but Aunt Ruthie did it perfectly. Maybe it's the whimsical way she writes or how she let's her readers into her home every season showing how she decorates for holiday's around the farm. I first came across Sugar Pie Farm House when I clicked the glass of Christmas eggnog. Click the picture to see her site!
Aunt Ruthie's most popular pins include this Ceder Farm Hill sign and her fall inspired chalk board design. She has about 7,500 followers on Pinterest and is very good about pinning mostly other people's pins. Her top two boards are her Down on the Farm board  and Christmas board with roughly 300 pins each. Her own board titled Aunt Ruthie's Farm House has only 9 pins and this is the only board she will pin stuff from her own blog. She is aware that the key to Pinterest is let people know who you are create a small board with your content and let your followers do the rest. 
2/27/2013 05:48:24 am

Hey, Shane. Looks good! I like the color scheme and the focus on Pinterest. Since I don't know a lot about this social medium, I'll be interested in learning more!


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    Hey, my name is Autumn Sands. I'm passionate about DIY projects, small businesses and writing/blogging. It just so happens that an awesome little website called Pinterest came around that encompassed all three of those passions into one nice neat little pinboard.


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