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Pinterest is the fastest growing social media site in the history of the internet. According to Jason Miles and Karen Lacey, authors of the book, Pinterest Power, it grew faster than Facebook,  YouTube and Twitter. As a business owner or public relations or marketing professional this website cannot be overlooked. Already businesses of all sizes have increased sales and revenue through using Pinterest. Businesses such as ModCloth, Berda Style and Lil Blue Boo have attributed much of their success to Pinterest. 

Holiday shopping traffic from Pinterest doubled in December 2012 from December 2011, and now counts for nearly 10 percent of all traffic from social stores. While Facebook still dominates social e-commerce referrals, its share dropped 5 percent to reach 90 percent. And despite Twitter’s claims to the contrary, according to this study based on RichRelvance’s analysis of 490 million shopping sessions which took place in 2012 and 2011 during a ten day period beginning on Thanksgiving, Twitter contributed less than 1 percent of Social E-commerce. (http://www.richrelevance.com/blog/2012/12/holiday-insights-2012/)

One of the main reasons why Pinterest is growing so quickly is because businesses’ content keeps working for them months after they have “pinned” or posted it onto Pinterest. Unlike Facebook and Twitter where the user must constantly be making posts or tweets users on Pinterest can let their content do the work for them. According to Miles and Lacey, over 80 percent of pins are repins; this means that the followers and their followers and their followers will do the marketing for you. 

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Garrett streck
2/7/2013 05:18:25 am

I liked this blog a lot. I never knew how fast Pinterest is growing, but I do enjoy looking at all the stuff you can do on it. A lot of great ideas and a great blog about Pinterest.

Kelli Ourada
2/7/2013 12:57:50 pm

I am a huge fan of pinterest and it was soo helpful when I was helping my sister plan for her wedding! It is crazy how popular it became so quick! I run into people talking about or posting about pinterest everyday now! Cool post Autumn!

2/8/2013 02:19:07 am

Great post. I had heard about pinterest several ears ago from design and art students from my work at campus printing and being in potter. It is amazing how quickly it grew. If I remember correctly you could only get an account if someone referred you. That appears not to be the case anymore.

My fiancee loves the site. She pins thins about teaching, weddings, and party planning. She has tried to get me to join. I might just have to if it can help market stuff better than twitter.

Aubry White
2/8/2013 06:59:25 am

I've never used Pintrest, so I don't really know what it is all about. I never knew that there was a business and marketing aspect to it and always assumed it was just one of those random time-waster websites. I'm curious to see what you do with this blog and what I can learn about Pintrest from it!

Carlos Gomez
2/9/2013 07:33:25 am

I never really thought about the possibility of marketing with it either, but recently saw some amazing art pieces that directly linked to a shopping cart page...and I had to resist the urge to buy! Good post, the whole pins doing the work for me part has me intrigued to sell stuff.

2/10/2013 05:59:56 am

I loved your blog! I am so excited to read about it because Pinterest is one of my favorite social media sites!You can get so many wonderful gift ideas, households etc. I love getting ideas that people post mainly because it always ends up saving me lots of money!! I can most defiantly see why this is the fastest growing site out there!
Happy Pinning :)

2/10/2013 11:19:18 pm

I'm just getting into Pinterest myself. I've heard some about it, but I'd definitely like to know more. I'm looking forward to reading about it on your blog and how I can integrate it into my social media marketing strategy.

2/12/2013 10:12:34 am

Those holiday shopping stats are wild! I guess people just don't go to twitter to make purchases. I wonder if Pinterest will beat out Twitter when it comes to small business. Most businesses seem to have a Facebook and a Twitter, but perhaps Pinterest will be the next must-have social site! The numbers don't lie...


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    Hey, my name is Autumn Sands. I'm passionate about DIY projects, small businesses and writing/blogging. It just so happens that an awesome little website called Pinterest came around that encompassed all three of those passions into one nice neat little pinboard.


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